Monitor your fuel consumption
A vehicle can consume a lot of fuel and emit significant greenhouse gas emissions. Calculating your fuel consumption is an easy way to determine your energy efficiency.
Calculating your fuel consumption allows you to:
  • Determine the energy efficiency of your car;
  • Identify mechanical problems triggering an unusual fuel consumption pattern;
  • Measure improvements achieved through regular vehicle maintenance and eco-driving practices;
  • Compare your vehicle with other models so you can choose one that’s more energy-efficient the next time you purchase a vehicle.

A simple way to calculate your vehicle’s fuel consumption is to determine the ratio between the amount of fuel consumed and the distance travelled. To obtain this calculation refer to the Tableau du suivi de la consommation de carburant (fuel consumption monitoring guide). 

Here are the steps to follow:

Fill up your gas tank and note the distance, as indicated on the dashboard odometer (in kilometres).
The next time you fill up, note the amount of fuel required (in litres), as listed on the pump display or on your receipt. This is the amount of fuel consumed.
Take immediate note of the distance on the odometer (in kilometres) and subtract the distance on the odometer noted during the previous fill-up from that figure. This is the distance driven.
Then perform the following calculation:


Repeat steps 2 to 5 whenever you fill up your car with gas to monitor your fuel consumption.

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